Dear Friends in Christ,
With our world in chaos and confusion, it needs God more than ever. People are wounded and hurting. There is confusion, division and anger. These spiritual wounds which people are suffering from are what the Carmelite hermits attend to—day and night. But we have a problem…
We have run out of room at our monastery. We cannot accept any new vocations—despite the need of our world and despite the men who want to come here to give up their lives to pray and help the world heal. (We literally have men waiting to enter this very moment!)
Unfortunately, every hermitage (the place where our hermits live) in our monastery is occupied. Even the infirmary has been transformed into a makeshift hermitage. Our current chapel is not large enough for the 10 hermits we already have. We must build! We must build to accept more men into this ancient order. We must build for the good of our families, our community, our country and our world. We must build so the faithful can pray with us! First, we need the chapel, then the hermitages.
Thanks be to God, building has begun on a new Chapel. You can see the foundation is being laid now! And once we have finished the chapel, we will then add four new hermitages—so that we can accept more men into our community. But we do not have enough money to finish this project without you. With unprecedented inflation, we must now raise $3.75 million to build this sacred chapel. We need your help! Watch the video below. Look at the plans for yourself. If you agree that our world needs this chapel would you do three things?
Second, would you sign up for our brand new e-letter so we can show you how construction is going, and give you a glimpse into our lives here at the monastery? The sign up is directly below this letter.
And finally, would you tell others about what is happening here at Carmel and encourage them to sign up for our e-letter as well? Send people to this Web page and spread the word.
On this page below, you will find an inspiring 5-minute video about this chapel and why it is important. You will also find all of our building plans as well as up-to-date pictures on our progress. Our world will benefit from this chapel. Our world needs God. Our world needs prayer. The spiritual wounds of our times can be healed! Please help us to help the world.
God reward you,
Fr. John Mary, O.Carm.
Watch this Short Video update about the new chapel
Look at what has already been done!
Use the arrows on the right and left of each picture below to scroll to the next image.

Check out Our Architectural Plans
We are pleased to share the plans of our new chapel prepared by our architect, Duncan Stroik of the University of Notre Dame. Mr. Stroik is one of the leading architects in the design of new Catholic Churches. His past projects include the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in La Crosse, Wisconsin, the chapel at Saint Thomas Aquinas Collage in California, and the new organ case and renovation of the choir loft at the Cathedral of Saint Paul.
The architectural design of our new chapel is inspired by the early Christian basilicas of Rome and Ravenna, in particular old Saint Peter's and the church of Saint Mary Major in Rome, and the two churches dedicated to Saint Apollinaris in Ravenna. The exterior of the chapel will be built of brick and limestone to match the existing buildings of the Hermitage.
The Exterior View
The façade of our new chapel is modeled on that of Sant’ Apollinare in Classe, while the transept and apse (not visible) are reminiscent of Saint Mary Major. Like Sant' Apollinare the entrance to our chapel is preceded by a loggia, that is a covered walkway which allows visitors to enter the chapel under a protective roof. Above the loggia the trinity window allows the light of the setting sun to illuminate the sanctuary. Surmounting the trinity window will be a statue of the Virgin Mary, patroness of the chapel. A cross at the peak of the roof will crown the façade.
This is what the facade of our new chapel will look like—modelled after Sant’ Apollinare.
This is the facade of the Basilica of Sant’ Apollinare.
The floor plan shows the chapel divided into three spaces: the sanctuary, the monastic choir, and a section for the public. The sanctuary contains the altar, tabernacle, crucifix, and apse mosaic. It is flanked by two small chapels dedicated to the Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph. Our community gathers in the monastic choir several times per day to chant the services of the Divine Office and Holy Mass. Because we are a cloistered community, a simple partition separates the monastic choir from the section available to guests and visitors who wish to pray with us. Our new chapel will provide seating for forty-four guests.
A drawing of what the interior of the new chapel will look like.
The Interior View of the Chapel
This interior view of the Chapel shows the sanctuary and monastic choir. The columns and arches in the nave are reminiscent of the church Sant' Apollinare Nuovo in Ravenna. The mosaics above the arches reveal the greatest similarity between our chapel and that of Sant' Apollinare (pictured right). The spectacular sixth century mosaics in the church of Sant' Apollinare depict the saints bringing up their gifts in the offertory procession. The mosaics in our chapel will likewise depict the procession of the saints, but in our case they will be saints of the Carmelite Order. The mosaic in the apse depicts Our Lady of Mount Carmel surrounded by the Prophets Elijah and Elisha and other Carmelite saints.
You can see the similarities to the interior of the Basilica of Sant’ Apollinare below.
The Arches and Art of Sant’ Apollinare
Basilica of Sant’ Apollinare
Basilica of Sant’ Apollinare
Sketches of the interior of our future chapel
How Can you Help? Join the Brick legacy guild!
In order to complete this magnificent chapel (and the 4 hermitages we need to accept new vocations) we have to pay for 75,000 bricks! That is the exact number of bricks we need to complete this project. To finish everything, we need to raise $3.75 million—or $50 per brick. If you are willing to help us, click below to donate. Everyone who donates a brick and joins the Guild will be prayed for by the Hermits at a monthly Mass. To learn more about the Guild, click the button below.