In Silence You Will Find God
Dear Family Members, Friends, and Benefactors,
May the peace of Christ reign in your hearts!
As October winds to a close and November begins, we find ourselves in the midst of a very beautiful fall. There are several updates which we would like to share with you regarding the chapel construction. We are making steady progress…. please take a moment to explore all the work that is happening here at our hermitage. You will find the updates below in this post.
In order to complete this project we still need additional funds and are asking for your continued assistance. Thank you for all the help which you have already provided towards the efforts in building this chapel. All that we are attempting in this project is for the honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary and for the glory of God! We are so glad that you have a part to play in the construction of this chapel because it is for you as well. Please share our newsletter with any who might be interested in the construction of our public chapel. We are so grateful for your support.
From the heights of Carmel, your Brothers are praying for you and your intentions.
In this post you will find:
The Pillars of Carmelite Life - “Silence (Part 2) | In Silence You will Find God”
Prayer Corner - Elijah, Prophet of Carmel - “See! Your Son is Alive”
Construction Updates (Including aerial footage of the Construction Site and our Hermitage)
We hope you enjoy all that you find in these articles and the following updates. Blessings and Peace!
The Carmelite Hermits
Pillars of Carmelite Life
“Silence (Part 2) | In silence you will find God”
What one practice of the Christian life is the best practice? By this question, I am asking what is the best means to arrive at Christian perfection? In this article we return to the practice of silence in Carmelite Life. We will give some practical directives for silence and the "why?" behind this pillar of the Rule. For all of us, silence is beneficial. It leads us to a humble knowing of ourselves. In contemplative quiet, the soul becomes a mirror. In this mirror there is something more to see than our own defects. In the depths of the soul we come to see the image of God, the face of Christ as we arrive at purity of heart. We need silence to arrive at this condition. There are many things that we could try to do in order to arrive at Christian perfection. Maybe, we just need a little more silence in our lives in order to find God.
Prayer Corner
- Elijah, Prophet of Carmel -
“See! Your son Is Alive”
We continue to follow Elijah in his journeys. In our present meditation, we find him still living with the widow of Zarephath and her son. Unfortunately, tragedy has struck the home of the widow as her son suffers from a mysterious illness and dies. The prophet is called to account. Will Elijah be able to do something about this horrible situation in the life of this widow, who has shown him such great hospitality at the command of God?
Construction Updates
- September 20, 2024 -
In this update, take a look at the beginnings of the roof installation. The rough concrete openings in the walls are being framed with wood for the eventual placement of windows. And finally, see the last phase in the building of the marble arches of the nave.
- October 5, 2024 -
The final pieces of Italian Marble have been set, bringing all the work of the stone workers to completion. Also, take a look at the clearstory on the north side of the nave. The marble is covered in preparation for the next phases of construction. We are one step closer to finishing…
- October 31, 2024 -
See the interior of the Chapel as it now stands… You will get a glimpse of the beautiful colonnade on the north side of the nave and looking up you will notice struts for the main roof are now in place.
We hope that you enjoyed this e-newsletter. It is so exciting for us to see the chapel taking shape. Please consider a donation today. We are always praying for you and your intentions. God bless you!